Show dimension in feet and inches in sketchup 17
Show dimension in feet and inches in sketchup 17

show dimension in feet and inches in sketchup 17

HALF of the dimensions on my plan are manual!!!! That is completely unacceptable Graphisoft!!! Graphisoft, what method did you have in mind for us when we need a detail at one level of precision and the plan at another? Oh! You didn't think about it? Of course. When I make a dimension manual I change its color to orange. I don't know how all of you AC experts have details at one level of precision and your plans at another, but me, I have to MANUALLY!!! change my plan dimensions.

show dimension in feet and inches in sketchup 17

Why can't they be linked to a display options? I know I'm not the first to wish this. We already have the capability to name different levels of precision, called dimension standards. It is essential that dimension "standards" be added to display options.

Show dimension in feet and inches in sketchup 17